
Showing posts from January, 2023


AS YUO KNOW  TO INTERNET  AND NETWORK IS  HAVE BECOME PART OF LIFE   SO I WIIL TELL YOU  ABOUT  NETWORK SO LETS START  WHAT IS A NETWORK? A network is a collection of a computer servers, mainframs  devices pheripherals, or other devices connected to one another to allow the  sharing of data.  an example of network  is the internet  which connects millions of people all over the world. The internet is a global network of billions of computer and electronic devuces. With the internet its possible to acces alomost my imformation  communicate with anyone else in the world . TYPES OF NETWORK? Mainly  four types of network: LAN(local area network), Pen (personal area network), Man (metropolitan area network), Wan(wide area network). OTHER TYPES OF NETWORK: CAN(campus area network), SAN (storage area network), POLAN( passive optical local area network), EPN(enterprise area network), VPN(virtual private network)           USES OF NETWORK? RESEARCH, education and self improvement, sharing of fi


DO YOU KNOW WHAT IS AN  OPERATING SYSTEM, I WILL TELL YOU WHAT IS  AN  OPERATING SYSTEM AN OPERATING IS A SYSTEM OF SOFTWARE TRHAT MANAGES  COMPUTER HARDWARE, SOFTWARE RESOURCES, AND PROVIDESD  COMMON SERVICES FOR COMPUTER PROGRAM. AND I WILL TELL YOU  WHAT IS SUPER COMPUTER AND MAINFRAMS. SO   LETS STARTS. WHAT IS AN OPERATING SYSTEM? An Operating System is a collection of software that manages computer hardware resources.  The Operating system acts as a interface between user and the computer hardware.    Without a computer Operating System, computer would be useless.     OPERATIONS OF OPERATING SYSTEM OPERATING SYSTEM : provide a user interface, manage programs, manage memory, eatablish internet connection &  provides utilities , control a network, configure dwvices,  co-ordinate task, start and shut down the computer. DIFFERENT OPERATING SYSTEM  APPLE(IOS) WINDOWS, MICROSOFT, macOS, linux, ect. THE THREE MAIN TYPES OF OS USED IN PERSONAL COMPUTER (1) microsoft: windows is a ser

Software hardware and memory

TODAY TOPIC IS SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE  WHAT IS SOFTWARE? Program or set of instruction used to do a specific task. The software cannot be seen by user . Software run on the hardware. Hardware useless without software. Examples - operating system, windows,linux, Etc. ( android,ios macos.  What is hardware? The tangible components of the computer System which can be used to give input store data and sowing results. Example: Moise, keyboard, moniter, printer,  Processor, motherboard,  cable etc. characteristics OF computer systems: Data storage, Accuracy,  Reliable, speed,  Versatile. What is memory? Memory is also known as the storage medium of the computer system. This is a storage device that can store data/information. Memory is two part of category  Primary memory and secondary memory Primary memory: temporary memory or volatile memory. Store data for temprory period. Primary memory is two part: (1) RAM (random access memory) (2)ROM (read only memory)  SECONDARY MEMORY: can store a la


HELLO EVERYONE WELCOM TO CODEWITHPIYUSH WE WILL GOING TO STYDY ABOUT BASIC OF CODING SUBSCRIB basic  WHAT IS CODING? coding is the process of creating instructions for computers using computer languages  Example c and c++ ,java,javascript , python , php, html,ect. mainly coding is used to creating apps, games websites ect.   WHAT IS COMPUTER? computer is an electronic device it take input process than its gives output for example  data is INPUT into the computer system  it is then PROCESSED to produce useful information as OUTPUT. INPUT DEVICES  an input device is any piece of computer hardware used to provide data to a computer system. example : keyboad, mouse ,printer, scanner, digital camera, webcam , moniter, speakers ect. CATEGIRIS OF INPUT DEVICES: with a manual input device the user must enter data into the computer by hand. DIRECT DATA ENTRY (DDE) DEVICES: A DIRECT entry device can transfer infomation automatically from a source document such as a form a barcode INTO THE COMPUT